Meta Protection

Meta Roles

What are Meta Roles?

In total, you have to consider 3 roles when you are using Meta in your server. These role are the Moderator Rank that you choose, the Meta Mute rank that is created by Meta once setted up and the Meta rank itself.

While you think that it might be simple, there is actually some things that you have to do, inorder for Meta to function correctly.
We recommend reading this tutorial before setting the bot up, but you can check out the video tutorial that comes with the setup message or any error message that is related to role errors.


The deafult role for Meta. Once you add the Meta app into your server, this role is automatically created by Discord, to ensure that the app has all the correct permissions.

Meta Mute

This role is created once the setup has been completed. Meta Mute is given to users who trigger Anti Mod Grief System or Malicious Bot Scanner. Meta edits each channel in your server, making sure that users with Meta Mute rank cannot see, type, join or interact in any way.
This is ideal for protection, because this also hides the member list from the user, meaning they cannot message any user in your server. This is why we don't use timeout feature for protection, this is way more advanced and effective.

Moderator Rank

The Moderator Rank is chosen by the user who is setting the Meta App up at the server. This is the rank that will be watched 24/7 by Meta, to ensure that users who have it, cannot grief your server.
If a user does not have the Moderator Rank, Meta will not take action if they do harm in your server.

That is why we recommend to choose a rank that each powerful user has in your server, you can create a new role, or choose an existing Moderator rank.

Role Structure:

For the system to work, the Meta rank must be above both Meta Mute and the Moderator Rank, if it is not, then Meta cannot protect your server when there is a possible griefing going on due lack of permissions.

The Meta Mute rank must be above the Moderator Rank, this way it overpower the Moderator rank in case it is needed.

The order should be:

Meta - At the top

Meta Mute - In the middle

Moderator Rank - Below the Meta Mute

After setup, your roles must be strucktured as next:

Why is it like this?

The roles must be structured such because of Discord permissions system. The higher the rank, the stronger it is. If the Meta Mute rank is below the Moderator rank, it would not have any effect on the griefer, because the Moderator rank would just overwrite the permissions, because it's above the Meta Mute. This makes the griefing possible.

The Meta rank must be above both, because then it can manage both ranks. Meta cannot give users the Meta Mute rank, if Metas own rank is below Meta Mute, becuase in that case, Meta Mute is considered to be stronger role than Meta.