Meta Protection

Malicious Bot Scanner

What is Malicious Bot Scanner?

This system works behind the scenes and scans each bot that is added to your server. Meta works with the community and has gathered a list of known malicious bots that either scam people, destroy / nuke servers or do harm in any other way.

This system also limits the ability to add bots to only people with the Administrator permissions.

Permission Warning

Users with the Administrator permissions will be ignored by Meta. Administrators can change the configurations of the module.

Action Logs

All Malicious Bot Detector logs will be sent into the server admin-logs channel. You cannot change the logging channel for Malicious Bot Detector.

Privacy Information

The list of known malicious bots is hidden and only known only by Meta Team. If you'd like to know if your bot is in the list, please contact with the Support team over in the Support Server. This information is disclosed.

How to enable the Malicious Bot Scanner System:

Administrator Only

When Malicious Bot Detector is enabled, only people with the Administrator permissions can add bots / apps into the server, user side clients are not included in this system.

By deafult, people with the Manage Guild can add any application to your server. To make the security more advanced, Meta Group recommends to enable the Malicious Bot Detector, to only allow needed bots into your server.

Known Malicious Bots

Meta has gathered and will keep gathering all the malicious bots into it's database. The more you support Meta, the more safer your server is. When inviting one of the bots that has found a place in our database, Meta will let you know about it immediately.

The list of malicious bots is gathered by Meta Team and verified by testing the apps / bots in private servers.
When an app if found to be malicious, your can still add it to your server at your own risk, Meta has warned you about a possible grief. We recommends you to not add any malicious bots.